Many students begin their study in our department by taking one of our introductory classes, such as The Global History of Art and Architecture. Such courses help students take their first steps in learning how to access the visual and material creations around which human experience has formed, although such classes may be taken at any point. A full inventory of classes offered in the department can be found in the University Bulletin.
History of Art and Architecture
The department offers two concentrations: Architecture, and the History of Art and Architecture.
The department offers two concentrations: Architecture, and the History of Art and Architecture.
About the Concentrations
Those students interested in the diversity of artistic production throughout history and across the world will want to choose a concentration in the History of Art and Architecture. Students can explore a particular time period, a single branch of the field, or a methodology, and have the freedom to create their own program of study.
The Architecture concentration places greater emphasis on technical training, and allows students to develop a broad understanding of the concepts and methods for the planning and design of buildings, landscapes and cities. This approach is meant to provide future architects and urban planners with the tools needed in today’s global, urban society.