Professor Shaffer's essay, "Eclecticism and Empire, in Translation," was published in August in Modern Philology. The essay focuses on the term eclecticism and parallel words for mixture in South Asia. There are many contemporary words to theorize artistic mixture, from those that are trained on how different elements mix—including bricolage, assemblage, and pastiche—to those like hybridity, mestizaje, and creolization, which powerfully address cultural mixture within the asymmetrical power dynamics of colonialism. She says, "here I consider what eclecticism might add to the theorization of mixed arts and propose a process of translation to re-imagine foundational European terms in art history."
History of Art and Architecture
September 30, 2021
Holly Shaffer publishes essay in "Modern Philology"
Professor Shaffer's essay, "Eclecticism and Empire, in Translation," was published in August in Modern Philology.