History of Art and Architecture

The Marriage Pact, Data Science and Art History converge at List Art

Last fall, three thousand Brown undergrads filled out the Marriage Pact, a compatibility questionnaire of sorts developed in 2017 by two Stanford University undergraduates. One of the developers, Liam McGregor, was at List Art Building on Thursday night discussing The Marriage Pact data and its algorithms with a group of students. But one audience member was struck by McGregor's closing comments when he talked about the importance of "serendipity" when choosing classes in college. McGregor noted that a chance class in art history ("his favorite class ever") almost led him to major in art history instead of economics.
Tell us which art history class you first took and how that might have altered your course of study or your personal perspectives. We're especially interested in hearing from the STEM concentrators!
Send your thoughts to carina_haden@brown.edu.